Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where we go from here - from to 2008 to 2016!

We will have a Democratic Administration and a Democratic Congress initially during this period. The U.S. electorate has spoken! We all need to bring a positive attitude to the challenge. Change is coming – President elect Obama has promised it. Each of us owes it to ourselves to write out our own laundry list, post it somewhere obvious, and then hold the newly elected officials accountable. I’m taking my list down and having it laminated; and often, over the years, I am going to judge this new Administration and Congress against it. Here is my list:
1. Fix the economy including:
a. Banks functioning again and properly regulated to prevent future
abuses. Infusion of capital to get them going but done in such a way
that tax dollars have the chance to be recovered and/or make a gain.
b. Some intelligent, “tough love” solution to the real estate crisis
where the government doesn’t end up holding the bag. There are
people who will have to “take the hit” for their unethical lending
practices and their undisciplined borrowing practices.
c. Under no circumstances should CEO’s and share holders of the
above failed financial institutions walk away from this mess with
money in their pockets.
d. Encourage the market system to get up and running with a
renewed entrepreneurial spirit heading toward full production
while keeping corporate welfare minimal.
e. Strive for full employment with decent paying jobs which will
result in revitalization of the middle class. Use incentives from the
government to maintain and add to domestic manufacturing jobs.
2. Begin working toward energy independence. If existing energy companies would choose to be part of this transition, it could be a shining example of how a partnership between innovative, entrepreneurial private enterprise and govenment involvement can accomplish security for this country and set an example for the world.
3. End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan responsibly and ASAP. But, never forget to provide needed assistance to our veterans for the service they have given to our country.
4. Rebuild and reconfigure our military to be leaner, stronger, quicker, and more deadly.
5. Provide for national security domestically and abroad in a sensible fashion – I’m tired of taking my shoes off at the airport. Support our police and enforcement capabilities.
6. Begin rebuilding our transportation infrastructure using mass transportation wherever it makes sense.
7. Revitalize our public school system to bring our students to top rankings in the world.
8. Restore confidence in our nation internationally with a clear policy of where and how we will act and react in the world.
9. Provide health care for all citizens and eligible legal immigrants in this country.
10. Use a scalpel to cut unnecessary government programs and spending. This will be a huge undertaking because bureaucrats are all convinced that their program is essential. It will cause many changes in the look of our government and much “gnashing of teeth.” Included in this is elimination of earmarks. All legislation needs to be introduced by sponsor(s) as separate bills, and votes, “yea and nay,” recorded – no “pork” tag on’s.
11. Restore financial viability of our entitlement programs for at least 20 to 30 years down the road - should be redone by each generation.
12. Constantly rework our social welfare system to make sure that we don’t create a welfare class moving from one generation to another, insist that they work and/or educate themselves out of poverty, and encourage them with hope of a better life for themselves and their children if they will do their fair share. Even then, recognize that there are some in our society who are so handicapped, ill, and incapable of helping themselves that we will need to provide the basic necessities of life. This last issue is a natural fit for faith based assistance.
13. Protect our environment by constantly thinking “green” and acting “green”. Encourage and provide incentives for conservation (like high mileage vehicles and energy efficient construction); wise use of our limited natural resources; plus, protection and careful multi-use of our public lands.
14. Appoint highly qualified moderate judges as openings occur.
15. Adequately fund necessary and common sense regulation, inspection, and oversight agencies including the likes of food inspection, FDA, OSHA, FAA, Environmental Protection, etc., etc.
16. Work towards eliminating illegal immigration.

I want each of these things addressed, some started, and a few accomplished and I will be looking to see that it is done in a fiscally responsible manner. Because we are in a serious financial crisis and involved in two wars we are going to have some short term deficit spending because we need to “prime the pump” of the economy and pay for the wars and rebuilding of a ravaged military. I don’t expect to see a balance budget for up to 8 years and some of these things will only be a work in progress in 8 years. But, I want to see incremental progress and most of these things can be relatively easily measured.

Once things “start rolling” (when that is will be hotly debated), increases in taxes will be required to maintain the momentum. We cannot keep running up debt and who better to begin bringing it down than the generation that created it?

My list might be different from yours and we should and/or Congress and the Administration should discuss it. But, I think most would agree when they look at this list, or one of their own, that the government is the only entity that can do these things. I think we are kidding ourselves if we think an unfettered, unregulated private enterprise system can do this, or that States can do these things. How many crashes and crises do we have to experience before we admit that the government must be involved? Now, what is the extent and nature of that involvement? That is what the public debate should be all about over the next 8 years or more – probably forever. We can never build utopia, only work towards it; need for change is constant, and it is foolish and wasteful for us to pine for days gone by; we just need to get busy and “build a better mouse trap.”


  1. Would you start a new party?? I'd totally join!!

  2. Ditto what Casey said. That's exactly what I was thinking!
