Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who Can Provide us with Greater National Security

Before we get too far into this year’s election rhetoric and people begin taking positions on where they stand on candidates and issues, I would like to address an issue of primary importance. The Republican Party appears poised to push the theme that they are the party that can provide the American people with the best national security. For the life of me, I can’t understand why they think the American electorate will buy into this.

Recently, the GOP leaders and pundits have had a lot to say about a variety of issues and events that are questionable:
1. They have accused President Obama of not using the words, “War on Terror.” Recorded sound bite after sound bite has our President making it clear that we are at war with terrorists. Short of tattooing something on his forehead, he can’t make it much clearer. He understands fully that our enemies follow the “law of the jungle,” rather than the “rule of law.” For example, he has been aggressive and successful in using drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen to kill al Qaida leaders and operatives. He is in the process of conducting a “surge” in Afghanistan. He has made arrangements with Pakistan and Yemen where we are working with them in attacking al Qaida without invading their countries.
2. Claiming that closing Gitmo will put us at greater risk is bogus. The existence of Gitmo with its alleged torture tactics and other practices contrary to international law have made it a “tough sell” to our allies that we follow the “rule of law;” plus, it is a rallying point for our extremist enemies all over the world.
3. The trying of terrorists, in U.S. civilian courts, that committed crimes against us in this nation is necessary – just read the VI Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Not trying terrorists for crimes in this country would be a failure to follow our Constitutional “rule of law” and would be a self-inflicted wound on our principles. Recently created military tribunals may be a suitable solution for combatants we capture in theaters of war; but even then, we need to follow international law in their treatment.

Over the last 20 years we’ve had three significant wars – all under Republican Administrations. The first one, the Gulf War, was fully justified because of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait; although, we failed to finish the job. Regime change in Iraq should have occurred then and there. Imagine the different scenario if we had done so.

The second war, in Afghanistan, if it had been handled properly, should have been an “in and out” punishment and destruction of al Qaida in retaliation for “9-11”. If we had accomplished this goal we would be much safer from terrorist’s attacks in this country today. But because of poor management, it has become a full scale invasion and occupation with an ill advised attempt at “nation building.” Our fight was not with the Taliban and the Afghan people; but, unfortunately, it is now.

The third war, in Iraq, should not have happened at all and it too became an invasion and occupation with another ill advised attempt at “nation building.” We are trying to wind this one down, but we still have about as many troops in Iraq as in Afghanistan and the future of our involvement could very well be long term. I certainly hope not.

Under GOP leadership, we’ve ended up loosing 4000+ service men and women, have thousands of injured veterans, and a debt load we really can’t afford. We’ve destroyed two nations, killed 10’s of thousands of innocent civilians, and made what will be long- standing enemies of a fanatical element of the fastest growing religion and culture in the world. Our policies are viewed by the radical fundamental Islamic element as a crusade perpetuated by an egotistical, decadent Western Judaic/Christian religion and culture. They are convinced that their God, which should be our same God, will lead them to victory if they mount a jihad – a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty. Because of this, regardless of who is President or who controls Congress, Homeland Security is going to be challenged to protect us in the years to come.

Although not a direct national security issue, the Great Recession coming as a result of GOP deregulation of our financial system, unwise tax breaks for the wealthy, deficit spending, policy of corporate welfare, etc. may end up being a bigger national security issue than the wars and terrorist activities. It has necessitated a rush of even greater deficit spending by Democrats to prevent a depression with efforts to stabilize our financial system, save a few large corporations, attempt to stimulate our economy, continued efforts to deal with large scale unemployment, etc. Our economy may be at risk for years to come and our middle class may be at risk to even survive.

Now, you tell me, is the present GOP “party of no” who we want to turn this country’s national security over to? They suffered a major defeat in the last election and rightly so. To put them back in the driver’s seat seems akin to doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.

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